Impossible Cure Newsletter -- December 2020


The Power of Uncertainty

As this year ends and a new year arrives, it is more important now than ever to remember and make use of the power of uncertainty. After all, as the article below points out, it is at the root of homeopathy's power! Without it, the miraculous and "impossible" healings triggered by homeopathic remedies would not be possible.

The same goes for unexpected new possibilities that can enter our lives as we move into 2021. In that spirit, I'd like to describe my vision for the coming year:

As the hoped-for panacea of a COVID vaccine begins to lose its luster, there will be a growing awareness of the importance of bolstering the inherent healing power of our own immune systems, rather than relying on allopathic solutions. As a result, and quite suddenly, the awareness of other existing alternatives to healing COVID will grow and there will be a demand to end the censorship of their existence that occurred in 2020. Homeopathy will emerge as one of the leaders among them!

After this occurs, many things will fall into place:
- An end to the FDA's attempts to make remedies inaccessible and illegal.
- Vaccine mandates will be recognized as a violation of human rights and removed.
- People will start to bolster their own health and immunity in other ways too, including by eating more healthfully, demanding clean air and water, and exercising more. Suddenly, the need for allopathic medicines will decline, the health care system will become more affordable and hence free for everyone when it is truly needed.
- Health freedom laws will appear all over the world and alternative healers will be liberated to practice more openly.

And so it is!

The Power of Uncertainty

If there’s one thing that COVID-times have brought us, it’s uncertainty. We wake up each morning wondering what unexpected changes are coming our way. Will there be work, will there be school, will there be money? Will we or our loved ones become sick or well? What governmental regulations will be imposed or lifted? Will there be flour or toilet paper at the grocery store? Will a COVID vaccine save us or harm us? Will we ever be allowed to travel and associate freely with others again?

Unfortunately, uncertainty is something we humans tend to dislike. We work very hard to cultivate the sense of safety that certainty can bring. But in our never-ending quest for more certainty, are we robbing ourselves of the very juiciness of life? At what price safety? At what price security? Those too, are questions we ponder each day in the times of COVID.

But what if uncertainty actually affords us even greater potential power?



A New Year Is Coming


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Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy --

Active Consciousness: Awakening the Power Within --

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